7 Tips to Succeed at Remarketing

May 12, 2022 | Amplify

Remarketing is a key PPC approach in which you focus your advertising towards or away from a set of individuals (audiences) based on their previous actions or behaviours. When done correctly, retargeting may improve ad interaction and sales by. 

Follow these seven guidelines to succeed in your remarketing efforts:

1. Cookies vs. Customer Lists

Retargeting visitors to your website has been a standard practice for years, but this method relies on third-party cookies, which are being phased out

It’s preferable to use customer lists or other first-party data-based lists. Any information you control that a user has given you permission to track/hold is considered first-party data. Contact information, on-page behaviour, and other data obtained through user consent are examples. 

Purchasing a contact list is not considered first-party data and should not be used in remarketing campaigns as it can result in an ad account suspension.

Almost all ad systems allow advertisers to target customer emails/phone numbers that have been uploaded/synchronized. This type of remarketing makes use of first-party data to assist advertisers in better matching their message to prospects.

2. Don’t Avoid Similar Audiences

Similar Audiences and Lookalike Audiences (used in Google remarketing) are effective prospecting tools. They employ persons who exhibit desirable characteristics as examples for attracting new audiences.

Similar Audiences will be created automatically, however, Lookalikes must be created manually in the appropriate ad manager.

3. Avoid Working Independently from Your SEO Efforts

The ability to sync audiences is one of the most significant advantages of integrating Google Analytics into your ad account. Advertisers can use additional analytics segments in audience targeting and creative to identify the reasons organic visitors didn’t convert. They can also budget for groups that have traditionally performed better or worse than others.

Work with your SEO team to determine which sectors they think should be targeted particularly, as well as which ones should be avoided. Paid campaigns can usually generate a lot of traffic quickly, so if the content team wants to perform a test or observe how people react to a given layout, Analytics segments can enhance those joint efforts.

4. Marketing to Small Audiences

Data is required for ad algorithms to function, and if your target is too tiny, your budget will struggle to meet it. It will not be possible to serve an audience of fewer than 1000, regardless of platform.

If you’re seeding a Lookalike or Similar Audience with a customer list, keep in mind that it can take up to 48 hours to process, and you’ll get a “too small to serve” message until it fully initializes.

5. Opting Out of Surveillance Mode

Audiences can be used to target and observe, or simply observe. This decision determines whether the audience you choose has an impact on whether the budget is allocated to them or not.

If you choose target and observe, the audience must be large enough to serve. When starting with a new audience, choosing only to observe makes sense. Furthermore, if you utilize Smart Bidding, the computer will disregard your observation audiences and only provide budget to those that appear to satisfy the Smart Bidding goal.

6. Avoid Working in a Silo

Applying lists from one channel to another as a Lookalike/Similar Audience is one of the finest ways to make the most of remarketing lists. This cross-channel marketing plan will enable you to find ideal clients on a variety of ad platforms that you might not otherwise have access to. 

7. Include Remarketing in your Budget

Advertisers frequently make the mistake of lumping remarketing expenses in with general service and expecting immediate results.

Just because a campaign is targeted at a smaller group of people doesn’t mean it doesn’t require funding. Make sure you budget enough time each day for the new campaign to ramp up and fulfil its objectives.

Remarketing – Our Final Thoughts

Remarketing is a potent digital marketing technique that works best when it’s based on first-party data and used in conjunction with collaborative campaigns.

If you’d like to learn more, step into our kitchen and schedule a one-on-one with our CEO & Founder, Jared Foxworthy!

To apply for a complimentary PPC audit, contact us today!

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