Big whoop though right? Why yet another digital marketing agency, and why now (especially now)?
Good questions. I want to make high-quality, ethical digital marketing a thing (because at the end of the day, I am just a marketing guy!)
And then I want to leverage that to make a more positive impact on the world – because now is when we need it.
What is ethical digital marketing?
I see it as a new agency standard:
- Fair and transparent pricing. Like actually though.
- Ethically sourced fulfillment. We don’t reap the lion’s share.
- Knowledge transfer-based approach. Teach you to fish.
- Optimizations are based on what is best for your business, not best for our margins.
- Reinvesting our margins equally into our employees and into for-good initiatives.
I’m not trying to re-invent the wheel here. Just bring us back to a better standard.
We care about what is best for your business, and our business, so we can maximize our give-back potential. And because this is just how you should do business.
Monologue time.
I feel super grateful to have generated 100% of my own agency revenues entirely from a “right-fit” referral business model.
Seriously, I’ve never had to make a single sales call, nor really felt the urge to for the past several years, until now.
(I’ve also been a bit too focused on helping build and scale other people’s visions and revenues because my introverted self honestly prefers to be behind the scenes).
But with the state of things globally, I think this is the right time to step outside of my “comfort” zone, and shift into – my version – of the “end-game” zone.
Layer Cake Digital – the first layer in our collective – is truthfully just a means to this end.
Sure I’m passionate about digital marketing, and, humility aside, we’re pretty good at it – as our 7-digit referral business, ongoing client feedback, and recent Top Digital Marketing Agency accolades on Upcity reflect.
But if I rolled in the riches of some of our world’s elite, I wouldn’t need to worry about a revenue-generating layer (I also wouldn’t be spending billions trying to send people to Mars either!?)
To misquote Zoolander: “There’s more to life than being really, really good at digital marketing”.

OK, I paraphrased a little. But it doesn’t matter what we look like (despite our fabulously good looks over here).
And while we may be passionate about digital marketing, the typical end-game of a digital agency does not address anything the world needs. There must be more.
Super ambitious, I know. Welcome to my end-game, which is about so much more than just making money.
Getting our for-profit clients involved in give-back programs to help create an ethical lens – in an otherwise avaricious industry – is not generally regarded as a “top priority” for most digital marketing agencies.
Through Layer Cake Foundation, the heart and soul of our collective, over a third of our overall revenue is reinvested to fuel our philanthropic efforts across key pillars such as Health, Equality, and Environment.
We’re making solid headway – our 2030 give-back targets are ridiculously ambitious and include things like supporting tens of thousands of for-good visions, and planting over one million trees – but we need to grow so we can do more now!
So instead of making a sales call, I am issuing an honest call-to-action:
?Are your digital marketing efforts ethically sourced or contributing to a greater good?
?Are you getting maximum value out of your digital marketing investments?
If you don’t think any of this is the case, talk to us.
By investing your marketing budget with Layer Cake Digital, you’re helping us realize so much more than success to your bottom line.
Thanks for coming on this journey with me! Peace and love.

If what you’ve just read resonates with you and you’re ready to make a positive global impact with your marketing budget – here’s what you can do (yes, this is a call-to-action within a call-to-action!)
- Give my organic post some love or even a share! The more we help game the LinkedIn algorithm, the more people we can reach, the more we can ultimately give back!
- Book me to discover what sort of digital goodies we can bake together, or to apply for an exclusive audit for your digital ecosystem.
- Or, Book me to learn more about Layer Cake Collective and our end-game vision.